Behind the Blackboard! Course Events do not Populate in External Calendar Applications from Share Calendar Link - Behind the Blackboard Skip Navigation
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Course Events do not Populate in External Calendar Applications from Share Calendar Link

Date Published: Jun 18,2021

CategoryPlanned First Fix Release:SaaS - v3900.37.0,Learn 9.1 3900.37.0 Release; Product:My Blackboard,Course Tools; Version:9.1,SaaS
Article No.: 000075636
Blackboard Learn
Service Pack(s):
9.1, SaaS
When adding a Learn calendar to an external Calendar, the Learn events do not show up in the external Calendar, while events added manually to the Calendar in Learn appear in external calendar applications.
Steps to Repeat:
1. Log into Blackboard Learn as a System Administrator
2. Navigate to System Admin > Courses > Create new course
3. Create an Assignment with a Due Date
4. Navigate to the Course Calendar
a. Observe that the Assignment displays on the set Due Date
b. Click the + sign to add a New Event to the Calendar. Add an Event.
5. Click Get External Calendar Link and copy the resulting URL
a. Via iPhone
i. Mail the iCalendar URL ending in .ics to the email account set up on your iPhone.
ii. Open the email on your phone and click the URL.
iii. iPhone recognizes the .ics extension as a calendar and prompts you to subscribe. Choose yes.
b. Add calendar to iCal
i. Open iCal on your Mac.
ii. Go to File > New Calendar Subscription.
iii. Paste the Blackboard Learn calendar link and select Subscribe.
iv. Add the calendar's name and adjust other settings. In the Location field, select iCloud if you want the calendar to appear on your other authenticated Apple devices such as iPhone or iPad.
v. Select OK to finish the setup.
c. Add calendar to Google calendar
i. Open your Google calendar on a computer.
ii. Next to Add calendar, point to Add other calendars and select From URL in the menu.
iii. Paste the Blackboard Learn calendar link and select Add calendar to finish set up.
iv. Open the calendar's settings to rename it and adjust sharing and notification settings.
6. Check the new Calendar

Expected Behavior: The Assignment and manual event added shows in the new Calendar
Observed Behavior: Course events like Assignments with Due Dates do not appear in either external calendar application. Events added manually to the Calendar in Learn by the student appear in external calendar applications.

Target Release:

Learn 9.1, 3900.37.0 Release

SaaS - Fixed (v3900.37.0)

Patch Available:


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