Incorrect Overall Letter Grade Displayed in Blackboard App Grades Page for Grade Totals Less Than 100 Points

Incorrect Overall Letter Grade Displayed in Blackboard App Grades Page for Grade Totals Less Than 100 Points

Date Published: Sep 10,2019 Category: Product:Bb_Student; Version:X9_1,SaaS   Article No.: 000055820

Product: Learn

Release: 9.1;SaaS

Service Pack(s): 9.1, SaaS

Description: The Blackboard app Grades feature page displays an incorrect letter grade for overall course grades when the total point values of the calculation are less than 100. This issue affects both Original and Ultra view courses. The grades detail page and the course outline page display the correct letter grade.

Steps to Replicate:

Steps to Reproduce (Original)

Create an Original UI course and enroll a student user

Access the grade center as instructor or admin

Create a grade column worth less than 100 points

Edit the Total Column to display as Letter grade

Assign the student score equal to the total points possible for the grade column

Log in to the Blackboard App as the student and view the Grades feature page

Expected - The student should see A+ (or top letter grade value) since they earned 100% of possible points

Observed - The student will see a lower letter grade depending on the total points possible for the assignment

Steps to Reproduce (Ultra)

Create an Ultra UI course and enroll a student user

Access the grade center as instructor or admin

Create a grade column worth less than 100 points

Assign the student score equal to the total points possible for the grade column

Log in to the Blackboard App as the student and view the Grades feature page

Expected - The student should see A+ (or top letter grade value) since they earned 100% of possible points

Observed - The student will see a lower letter grade depending on the total points possible for the assignments



Resolution/Workaround: This issue was resolved by an mBaaS update deployed to production service on Sept 6, 2019.  
No action is required by end-users or administrators.