Uploading an Offline Feedback is not Reflected in GUI

Uploading an Offline Feedback is not Reflected in GUI

Date Published: May 07,2024 Category: Planned_First_Fix_Release:Functioning_as_Designed; Product:Learn_BU; Version:Ultra   Article No.: 000078592

Product: Blackboard Learn

Release: SaaS

Service Pack(s): Ultra

Description: When downloading gradebook data to work offline, the feedback provided is not shown in the graphical user interface (GUI).

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Log into Blackboard Learn Ultra Experience as an administrator
  2. Create a new Ultra Course and enroll an instructor and two students
  3. Log in as the instructor and create an assignment
  4. Switch to student accounts and submit assignments
  5. As the instructor, view the attempt of one student, add a grade, and provide feedback
  6. Navigate to the Gradebook tab > Download Gradebook > Full Gradebook
  7. Select the assignment that was created and select Include feedback from selected item > Download
  8. Open the xls and observe the columns Notes Format and Feedback Format state SMART_TEXT for student with Feedback
  9. Change the Feedback for a student and add some text to the row of second student and save the file
  10. Access the Gradebook, select Upload Gradebook and upload the edited file
  11. Check the attempts and their feedback
  12. Observed that no offline feedback has been presented. Only the feedback left in GUI is still displayed. 
  13. Attempt to download the Gradebook as before and observe the xls as well
  14. Post the grades and observe the feedback again
  15. Log in as a student and observe which feedback was posted
Observed Behavior:
The feedback is not changed nor added to UI when uploaded from file, no change happens even when the grades are posted. Only Feedback added via UI is shown to students.

Expected Behavior:
Changes from the uploaded file are reflected in UI or changes are not accepted at all.


Information: This isn't a bug. Uploading feedback (and grades) as part of the offline grading workflow stores the information at the override level, which isn't associated with a specific attempt. 

Instructor view:
Whilst override grades are displayed in the grading interface, override feedback is only visible to instructors from the gradebook itself via the Feedback option in the grid view and in the contextual menu option on the Submissions page.

Student view:
Students currently see override feedback when selecting the feedback icon for the assessment: in their gradebook.

We will soon be working on adding the override feedback to the interface used by students to review their submissions. 
Target Release: Functioning as Designed