Blackboard Collaborate using Surface Pro 4 Pen Features

Blackboard Collaborate using Surface Pro 4 Pen Features

Date Published: Jan 04,2016 Category: Product:Web_Conferencing_Help_and_FAQs; Version:Web_Conferencing   Article No.: 000059599

Product: Collaborate - Web Conferencing

Document Type: User Documentation

Document Summary: Using the Pen features on a Surface Pro 4 during application share in Blackboard Collaborate Web Conferencing sessions.

Participants are unable to see "Pen Feature" notation if a Moderator is application sharing a single application.


If you are using the Pen features, example:
Example of Surface Pro 4 Pen features on screen

If you are ONLY sharing out a particular application, that application is all that is visible, the extra ability of viewing the written content from the stylus is considered an extra "overlay" application.

In order for the stylus notation to visible the user will need to share Entire Desktop instead of the single application.